Wednesday, October 23, 2013

By Shehbaz Ahmed....


Our life is very simple since we are spending it simple or some one is making our life simple . Yes that is our family who are the hope of our life we live for them ,,must be the one of our family is very special for us . 

We always thought that we will do alot for our family we will give every happiness to our parents and family but some times nature does not permits us to do as we thought .  i am the eldest one of my family and my father is my favourite personality of this world .

 He teach me at every part of life how to walk in this world but now he becomes very sick . i am what is just because of my beloved father he done alot for me and my life .
 The greatest wish of life is to make perform hajj to my mOm and my father from my own earning .this is the greatest wish of my life , i planned nothing in my life to do , i always wana be a good son of my parents but the NATURE is not making me doing that as i thought it seems that every thing is become scattering . i realized recently that every thing happens as ALLAH wants not us .

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