Sunday, September 8, 2013

by Fatima Absar

                                  An Eye-witness…

The person who is beneficial for others, for the society and for his own self is called the able
person. Able in a sense that he has the ability to work in a proper way not only for him but for
those who belongs to him. Contrary to it, people considered a person with some physical
disability a disable or unuseful for the society.
While walking around the street, a number of scenes are there to observe. A number of things
that are ignored by us. But the one, who grabs your feet and stoned you is to see a person
having no legs or arms, on wheel chairs or just pulling himself on the road side, knocking the 
windows of cars. We look at them with great sympathy, toss some coins to them and move  

I haven’t decided to write about those who don’t have hands or any other physical disability. I 
am forced to write about the complete people having everything but still needs people’s 
sympathies because majority of the complete people are disable. Yes!! They are.

Thoughts are what makes you good or bad. In my view, the person with unhealthy thoughts is 
the one who is curse for the society. If a person pollute the society by his thoughts he is spoiling 
everything. Mental disability is something which can not be seen and can not be recognized 
easily. We can cope with any physical disability because the physical disabilities can be seen. 
The matter is with the disability which is invisible.

This our mind who made us disable. Our mind orders us to do any action. The commands 
given by brains are followed by every system of the body. So the matter is that we should direct 
our minds. We should direct it to the right way. I am leaving a question here, are we doing 
justice to ourselves?? Are we making our self useful for those who belongs to us??
“ Even when it was hard, I was the me in my head. There was a moment when I thought I can’t 
do this, I can’t do this alone. I close my eyes and imagine myself doing it, and I did, I blocked 
out the fear, and I did it.”


Sumbul TasneEm said...

Amazin'! Such a thought-provokin' thin'.. Respect!!

Unknown said...

thank u...:)

Unknown said...
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FILZA said...

YEs we should direct it to the ryt way:))
well said