Friday, October 4, 2013

By Najia Niazi...

Happiness is a choice.
That’s right, a choice. Not an accident, not a charitable gift from the universe. Of course, it’s nice to receive those gifts, and easy to be happy when you do, but happiness is about choosing to see the adventure in every moment, choosing to understand that there will always be a light after the dark, that there is always good in every situation and every person, no matter how grim things may seem.

That’s the key to happiness: choosing it. It’s not an easy choice all the time, and it very well may be the last thing you want to do sometimes. When grief strikes, or when you just can’t seem to catch a break, sometimes you just want to sulk and stay upset, perpetuate the sadness. It’s a natural response, but it isn’t a required behavior, it’s a choice. And choosing to be happy will make you a better, stronger, wiser, more long suffering person.
We always have the choice to be happy. Learning to change our attitude is frustrating, but worth it in the end. When we choose  to be happy, things tend to work in our favor, and luck seems to be on our side; and even if things don’t happen the way you want them to, if you choose to be happy, you can accept situations for what they are and make the most of life, no matter the hand it deals you.

Everyone each in their own ways, is constantly going through rough times. Some people are just more open than others to telling the world how they feel.
But some people are those who can put a smile on their faces even in their rough times, I know it’s not an easy task. I am not going to lie and say it will be okay; I don’t know that. But I will say that by washing a cut, you help make it heal that much faster, and that much easier.

People who are able to smile even through the worst of times have learned a very important lesson that Happiness doesn’t just happen, you have to choose it.


hassan said...

nice job (Y)...

Unknown said...

Writing Skills Improved way better than before

Good start, good flow and nicely concluded.. Perfectly written.. (Y)

Yawar said...

a very good blog (y)
nice job

Unknown said...

mmm well written !

Unknown said...
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