Thursday, October 3, 2013

By Nisma Chauhan.....

Poverty Parodox – a tale of an overseas Pakistani
So we all know that Pakistan is a developing country and holds a place in the list of world’s poorest nations.
The inflation in the country keeps rising, the currency keeps depreciating in terms of dollar to rupees conversion rate. Rich get richer and poor get poorer! 

Well everyone is aware of that. Everyone whines, yet nobody cares! So what is this blog going to be out, what is ‘new’? 

‘New’ is what I recently came across. ‘New’ is what I realized. That may not be the case for many BUT for me, it worked as an eye-opener.

Recently, my mom decided on keeping a full-time helper. She was getting exhausted with all the work she had to do and her daughters are not much of a help. 

I mean, come on! How does she expect us to juggle house chores and education together? Any way that is not the real issue. 

Since the helper is always around, I get along with her well. We usually have small talks, where she tells me stories about her life; and these small talks are the ones which made me think of the famous cliché ‘Never judge a book by its cover’. 

She talks about how her parents fulfill the demands of their younger ones. How, almost every other day, the food isn’t cooked at home instead ordered or bought from outside.
I know the reality may differ or might just be a little exaggerated. But the thing is I know her family well enough to understand the possibility of it all being a truth.
It amazes me that they have a washing machine, while I, the classified middle class doesn’t own one. Not because we can’t afford it, but because my mom considers it to be a waste owing to the constant load shedding in the country. Hence, we prefer the laundry.
However, the so called ‘poor people’ who are said to be constantly hit by the poverty cycle enjoy a load shedding free life. 

Yes! All hail to the ‘kunda’ system.
Have you ever wondered why the lawn industry never experiences a loss? Why multinational products want to enter Pakistan’s market? Why new TV channels keep launching? Where do they all get funds from; the buyers, the sellers and the entrepreneurs?
No! Please no, this is not a conspiracy theory led by the illuminati or the West.
This is just the bitter truth of our nation. The one which is classified as the poorest, yet the poor live a considerable better life. 

The one, who is classified as the most dangerous, yet is being protected by 725,000 active soldiers.
The one who is united in words, yet divided in hearts!


Mohsin said...

good read
keep em coming
waiting for more :)


true that Nisma..ths we middle class who bores the burden to role the wheel of this economy by paying utility bills and huge amount of taxes rather..and the lower class and upper class enjoy from the exemption of these taxes..reasons although might be different...but that's true..well written Nisma..

Adeela Akmal said...

It's well written as always. My ammi was saying the same thing the other day. The 'poor' people are enjoying all the facilities, whereas us middle class people bear the burden of inconvenience.